Welcome to my web page.


I started my life with Brittanys in 2002.  My first girl was the very special Morgan.  BISS CH Tobenlee China Doll. She was a fantastic introduction to the breed.  A gorgeous, happy representative of the breed who always gave 100% in everything that she did.  She was a challenge for a newbie show handler but taught me so much.  We didn't win much that first year, but with time, Morgan (and my handling) got better.  Other brittanys were to follow. Ch Riverreed Frozen Impact TDX (IID) - Keifer, Ch Rockfire Sweet Dreams - Roxy and my import in co-ownership with Riverreed Kennels Ch Alars Steel Shadow (imp USA) - Steel.


Many thanks must go to Fiona Brown-Elkner of Tobenlee and Marilyn DiNatale of Riverreed who helped a newcomer to the breed by entrusting them with good dogs.  


Currently I share my home with my 2 brittanys Maxx and Winter and shih tzu Cael.




Contact Details

Jenny Sharrock
Heywood, VIC, Australia
Phone : 0428027442
Email : [email protected]

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